
Safer at Home

Apr 5, 2020

graphical user interface, application

Strange times out there, aren’t they? The weather is amazing (there’s no humidity), lake temperatures are rising, and trees are budding. But we aren’t prepping to open quite yet. Due to COVID-19 prevention best practices, we are closed, as are many Metro Park facilities (tennis court, dog parks, and buildings are closed; trails and parks are open). While outdoor exercise is encouraged during Safer at Home mandates, paddleboarding and kayaking outfitters are non-essential businesses and closed statewide.

We know it is hard not to paddle; believe us, we know! But we encourage everyone to stay home and stay close to home. It may be tempting to go out on the water. But anything we can do to reduce the potential burden on area hospitals and first responders, the better equipped they will be to treat those who contract the Coronavirus.

We’re taking this extended time re-evaluate our processes and systems to make sure that we can reduce our capacity and keep gear sterilized and everyone safe when it is appropriate to re-open.

Stay safe, stay sane, and we hope to see you on the water soon.